This is true. Water is the solvent in aqueous solutions
U must burn it
Make it under go chemical treatment
Roman numerals are used in naming ionic compounds when the metal cation forms more than one ion. The metals that form more than one ion are the transition metals, although not all of them do this.
SnBr2 - Tin(II) Bromide
ane, al, keto
ol, al, keto
ol, al, one
ol, ane, one.
The suffix –ol is used in organic chemistry principally to form names of organic compounds containing the hydroxyl (–OH) group, mainly alcohols (also phenol). The suffix was extracted from the word alcohol. The suffix also appears in some trivial names with reference to oils (from Latin oleum, oil).
Functional group is a ketone, therefore suffix = -one
Hydrocarbon structure is an alkane therefore -ane
The longest continuous chain is C5 therefore root = pent
The first point of difference rule requires numbering from the left as drawn to make the ketone group locant 2-
pentan-2-one or 2-pentanone
So that other scientist can repeat their experiments
i hope i got i right