Measure the longest circuit and add 50% for fittings and terminal units.
Answer: a) 135642 b) 146253
1- the bankers algorithm tests for safety by simulating the allocation for predetermined maximum possible amounts of all resources, as stated this has the greatest degree of concurrency.
3- reserving all resources in advance helps would happen most likely if the algorithm has been used.
5- Resource ordering comes first before detection of any deadlock
6- Thread action would be rolled back much easily of Resource ordering precedes.
4- restart thread and release all resources if thread needs to wait, this should surely happen before killing the thread
2- only option practicable after thread has been killed.
Bii) ; No. Even if deadlock happens rapidly, the safest sequence have been decided already.
b). The same for all pipes independent of the diameter
We know,

From the above formulas we can conclude that the thermal resistance of a substance mainly depends upon heat transfer coefficient,whereas radius has negligible effects on heat transfer coefficient.
We also know,
Factors on which thermal resistance of insulation depends are :
1. Thickness of the insulation
2. Thermal conductivity of the insulating material.
Therefore from above observation we can conclude that the thermal resistance of the insulation is same for all pipes independent of diameter.
The answer to the given problem is been solved in the fine attached below.