B. They will conserve energy during reproduction
H• •Be• •H --> H:Be:H
Since there are 4 valence electrons in total, Beryllium has 2 and Hydrogen has 2. You would put the Be in the middle because there is only 1 of them.
Radius of the interior sphere = 3.847 nm
The volume of the shell (Vs) is equal to the difference of the volume of the outer sphere (Vo) and the volume of the inner sphere (Vi). Then:

If we express the radius of the outer sphere (ro) in function of the radius of the inner sphere (ri), we have (e being the shell thickness):

The first equation becomes

To find ri that satisfies this equation we have to find the roots of the polynomial.
Numerically, it could be calculated that ri=3.847 nm satisfies the equation.
So if the radius of the interior sphere is 3.847 nm, the volume of the interior sphere is equal to the volume of the shell of 1nm.
There are 5 valence electrons in a atom of phosphorus.
Reducing the volume of contained gas by one third, while holding temperature constant, causes pressure to D. be increased by one third