I don’t see a picture but unbalanced forces could be two boys pushing with a combined force of 400 Newton’s but the surface of what the box is laying on being 600 meaning since the ground is creating a higher force in the form of friction it will slow the boys down. When forces are unbalanced it means that the object can not be still or moving at a constant speed when one force is greater by a significant amount the object either slows quickly or accelerates fast depending on which factor is greater.
35,2 ohm.
La resistencia específica del conductor es,
La longitud del conductor es,
El área de la sección transversal del conductor es,
Sabemos que la resistencia de un conductor es directamente proporcional a su longitud e inversamente proporcional al área de la sección transversal.
Por lo tanto, la resistencia se puede expresar como:
Ahora, conecte los valores dados y resuelva para 'R'. Esto da,
Por lo tanto, la resistencia del conductor es de 35,2 ohm.
W2 = W1
work is independent of the path taken between the points.