good sir it seems your answer appears to be B
1. Lysine
2. Aspartic acid
3. Serine
4. Alanine
5. Tryptophan
Amino acids are biomolecules that contain two functional groups and one R side chain. The two functional groups are: carboxyl group and amino group.
The α-amino acids are the amino acids in which the two functional groups and the R side chain are attached to the α-carbon of the amino acid. They are total 22 α-amino acids.
1. A basic amino acid: Lysine is a positively charged, polar basic amino acid with a lysyl side chain.
2. An acidic amino acid: Aspartic acid is a negatively charged, polar acidic amino acid with an acidic carboxymethyl group.
3. A neutral polar amino acid: Serine is a polar and neutral amino acid with a hydroxymethyl group.
4. A non-polar aliphatic amino acid: Alanine is an aliphatic, nonpolar and neutral amino acid with a methyl side chain.
5. An aromatic amino acid: Tryptophan is an aromatic, nonpolar and neutral amino acid with an indole side chain.
the applied force is greater than the force of friction
Option D - It tells which compounds will dissolve in water.
It is used to predict whether or not a given ionic compound is soluble.