<span>If a mixture looks smooth and the same throughout it is probably <u>Homogeneous</u>.
Mixture is the combination of different compounds which are unreactive to each other.
Mixture are classified as ...
Solutions; in which the mixed compounds are thoroughly mixed and cannot be distinguished from each other and are said to be homogeneous. In solutions the size of solute is very small (i.e. Less than 1 nm).
Colloids; in which the solute is homogeneous visually but heterogeneous microscopically. The size of particles in this case is between 1 nm to 1 </span>μm.
Suspensions; in which the mixture is heterogeneous, the particle size is greater than 1 μm and settles down (precipitation) under the influence of gravity.
Could I hear the options..
Helum (He)g will escape faster
the phenomemenon can be explained by the Graham's law of diffusion.
Graham's law of difussion states that the rate of difussion is inversely proportional to the square root of the molecular mass,which means the gas with lower molecular mass will escape faster.
Helium gas has a molecular mass of 4 while Neon has a molecular mass of 10.
rate of diffusion of He/rate of difussion of Ne=√4/10=√0.4=0.63
It means He(g) will move 0.63 times faster than Ne(g) under the same condition
Stars on the main sequence fuse hydrogen into helium via a six-stage sequence of reactions