Answer:the force from spinning that moves things away from the center
Explanation: ap chem
<span>Molecular compounds, which are represented by molecules, are usually made of non-metals only (or of metalloids and non-metals). Ionic compounds, which are represented by formula units, are made of metals and non-metals.
More detail if you're interested: Molecules and formula units are the representative particles for molecular and ionic compounds, respectively. By that I mean, one unit of a molecular compound is a molecule...a bundle of atoms covalently bonded that exists separately from all the other molecules. One unit of an ionic compound is a formula unit. A formula unit is a representation of the compound's formula. For example, the formula unit of NaCl is one Na^+1 ion and one Cl^-1 ion. The formula unit of AlCl3 is one Al^+3 ion and three Cl^-1 ions. Ionic compounds don't have separate bundles of atoms like molecular compounds do, so the formula unit is just the smallest number of ions that it takes to represent the formula. </span>
Flame (fire) is the effect of a chemical reaction that produces visible light and heat. The chemical reaction is going on in the substance being burned.. Thats why coals glow and flames seem to leap into the air.
<span>If your reaction does not have a flame, then either it is not producing visible light or the reaction does not occur in the air above the substance.</span>