Seconds (s)
Liters (L)
SI units relate to the International System of Units. These units are the base, metric units that are most commonly accepted for different measurements.
Common SI Units
The most common SI units are as follows:
- Length - meter (m)
- Time - second (s)
- Mass - kilogram (kg)
- Amount of substance - mole (mole)
- Electric current - ampere (A)
- Temperature - kelvin (K)
- Volume - liter (L)
*Note that gram (g) is not an SI unit
Each type of measurement will only have 1 SI unit. This is the unit that will be expected for most answers. Sometimes this means converting an answer into a different unit so it is more widely accepted.
Why SI Units are Important
SI units are important for the same reason that the metric system is used. It gives a standardized list of measurements that scientists across the world can use. Also, it makes it easier to compare scientific findings and studies when all of the measurements are given in the same units.
There are times when it is unrealistic to use SI units. For example, when discussing space, using meters will not be realistic due to the size of space. Also, when measuring the mass of small elements, kilograms are too large. But otherwise, SI units should be used.
people who think that their child would be happy for life
Question 6
Plants use flowers to absorb photsynthese
The compound contains lauryl sulfate and ammoium ions. Lauryl sulfate contains lauric acid (in black and white) , the fatty acid formed by the covalent bonds between C-C attached to hydrogens, and sulfate ions attached to lauric acid (in red) with C-S covalent bond. Sulfer is attached to oxygen by covalent bonds. In Ammonium ions, N is surrounded by four hydrogen atoms.
Its c ok im sorry if i got the last answer wrong