Octane is a non-polar compound. It is a hydrocarbon with 8-carbon length along its chain.
It belongs to a special group of hydrocarbons called alkanes.
What makes a substance soluble in another?
It is a common phrase that "like dissolves like". This is applicable to solubility of substances in another.
- A polar solvent will freely and easily dissolve a polar solute. For example, water and salt.
- A non-polar solvent will also dissolve a non-polar solute. This case, hydrocarbons will dissolve themselves.
- The first option is a butane, a 4-carbon length hydrocarbon which will be dissolved in octane.
- Both compounds are non-polar.
solution is clear solution while colloidal is between the solution and suspension. And in suspension particles are suspended.
In solution light can be passed without any scattering of light from solute particles while suspension is cloudy and having larger particle size than colloids, if suspension stands for a while particles will settle down easily.
In colloids light will scattered and dispersed by reflecting with large particles.
Denaturation is a process in which proteins or nucleic acids lose the quaternary structure, tertiary structure, and secondary structure which is present in their native state, by application of some