The heat <span>Q(in)</span> supplied to the system in one stage of the cycle, minus the heat <span>Q(out)</span> removed from it in another stage of the cycle; plus the work added to the system <span>W(in)</span> equals the work that leaves the system <span>W(<span>out)</span></span>
C) must be such as to follow the magnetic field lines.
Ampere's circuital law helps us to calculate magnetic field due to a current carrying conductor. Magnetic field due to a current forms closed loop around the current . If a net current of value I creates a magnetic field B around it , the line integral of magnetic field around a closed path becomes equal to μ₀ times the net current . It is Ampere's circuital law . There may be more than one current passing through the area enclosed by closed curve . In that case we will take net current by adding or subtracting them according to their direction.
It is expressed as follows
∫ B.dl = μ₀ I . Here integration is carried over closed path . It may not be circular in shape. The limit of this integration must follow magnetic field lines.
the term ∫ B.dl is called line integral of magnetic field.
Work is performed while initially lifting books off the floor. The work is due to gravity.