The color is an effect as a result of different wavelengths and frequencies of the light waves. So, color is a property of an object that depends on the wavelength. From all the given statements the following is true: T<span>he color depends upon the lighting source. More precisely, the color depends upon the wavelength of the lighting source.</span>
its A plant like protist produce oxygen ...
Acids are substances that can donate H+ ions to bases. Since a hydrogen atom is a proton and one electron, technically an H+ ion is just a proton. So an acid is a "proton donor", and a base is a "proton acceptor". The reaction between an acid and base is essentially a proton transfer.
The relationship between acids and bases is more aggressive than the donor/acceptor terminology implies. Bases don't passively "accept" protons; they rip hydrogen ions from acids. Acids don't "donate" hydrogen ions; they surrender them.
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