Mixtures consist of two or more substances chemically combined. Mixtures cannot be separated by physical means. Mixtures consist of only one kind of atom. ***Mixtures have two or more substances .a 50-mL beaker with the same label.
The formula for acceleration is A= (V1 - V0) over Time
200 nm is the thinnest film that produces a strong reflection for green light with a wavelength of 500 nm
If two reflected waves interfere constructively ,strong reflection is produced. Two reflected waves will experience a phase change
For constructive interference

for thinnest film m=1
refractive index should be taken for film n=1.25
thickness of the thinnest film is

se me hace que son 8 protones
Review each answer in the explanation part
Identify a problem or need = Aerospace engineers need a lightweight material to build a jet
Note: Identify a problem is related always with a need.
After identify the problem the next stage is the design
Design a solution = Engineers determine what features the material must have.
Note: The design process implies the choice of the materials and the proper numeric calculations.
Implement the solution = Engineers test a carbon - plastic compound in a wind tunnel.
Note: after the design, the following process is the built of the equipment and the different tests.
Evaluate the solution = The carbon-plastic compound is redesigned to save maximun energy.
Note: After testing, you enter a part of re-design that means making improvements to the already constructed.