This what they all been waiting for
I guess so
They been waiting for this sh,it for a long time didn't they
I'ma give it everything I got
Ayo Dougie park that X6 around the corner
Aye I'm just feeling my vibe right now
I'm feeling myself
Volume of gasoline overflow(v)= 40/9 L (I.e. 4.44 L)
Use <u>v1</u><u>/</u><u>T1</u><u>=</u><u>v2</u><u>/</u><u>T2</u>
<u>Note</u><u>;</u> <em>Take</em><em> </em><em>temperature</em><em> </em><em>in</em><em> </em><em>absolute</em><em> </em><em>scale</em><em> </em><em>or</em><em> </em><em>kelvin</em><em> </em><em>scale</em><em> </em>
La energía mareomotriz se produce gracias al movimiento generado por las mareas, esta energía es aprovechada por turbinas, las cuales a su vez mueven la mecánica de un alternador que genera energía eléctrica, finalmente este último esta conectado con una central en tierra que distribuye la energía hacia la comunidad.
a) -171.402 m/s
b) 17.49 s
c) 1700.99 m
We can solve this problem with the following equations:
is the bomb's final height
is the bomb's initial height
is the bomb's initial vertical velocity, since the airplane was moving horizontally
is the time
is the acceleration due gravity
is the bomb's range
is the bomb's initial horizontal velocity
is the bomb's final velocity
Knowing this, let's begin with the answers:
<h3>b) Time
With the conditions given above, equation (1) is now written as:
Isolating :
<h3>a) Final velocity
Since , equation (3) is written as:
(10) The negative sign only indicates the direction is downwards
<h3>c) Range
Substituting (7) in (2):