I'm not sure about the "in nature" part but i think its A
Answer:In non-uniform circular motion, an object's motion is along a circle, but the object's speed is not constant. In particular, the following will be true. The object's velocity vector is always tangent to the circle. The speed and angular speed of the object are not constant
Explanation:In non-uniform circular motion an object is moving in a circular path with a ... Since the speed is changing, there is tangential acceleration in ... Here is an example with an object traveling in a straight path
Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western.
Speed of light is an example of a light medium wave.
Most famous Michelson-Morley (1887) demonstrated that light travels at the same speed regardless of whether it was measured in the direction of the Earth's motion or at right angles to it. When the light travels through a vacuum: It moves from medium to medium (example: air to glass) speed can change depending of the new medium's index of refraction and the "bending" of light is essentially how lenses work.
1. Has to be a very large bathtub or very, very small supertanker
2. The car hit harder because the bug is not going anywhere near the same speed as the car, therefore it is not exerting the same force.
3. It's so fast it's hard to put a number on it and and it depends on the think Es of wire, distance from wall, and which type of T.V. (because if it requires less electricity then the electrons will travel slower)
4. The ball being thrown, because when and object is thrown and then falls, it always falls at a greater speed then those just being dropped.