Basically, the temperature is a result of the average kinetic energy of all the atoms comprising the solid/liquid/gas. In solid, these atoms can just vibrate in place, leaving them to only be able to conduct and radiate heat. However, as you probably know liquids and solids take the shape of their container because the bonds between atoms are loose enough to allow them to freely move around. Due to each individual atom having its own energy, and these atoms being free to move about the liquid/gas they collide with other atoms in the substance. These collisions result in a transfer of energy. Finally, lower energy atoms "sink" and higher energy atoms "rise" thus creating a "convection current".
The salesman is telling you the average magnitude of the car's acceleration.
| Acceleration | = (change in speed) / (time for the change)
| Acceleration | = (60 mi/hr) / (6 sec)
| Acceleration | = 10 miles/hr-sec
That would be 36,000 miles per hour squared,
or 0.0028 mile per second squared.
The most massivest stars end their lives as black holes. <em>(D)</em>