Answer: El HEXAHIDRATO DE SULFATO DE NÍQUEL es incompatible con ácidos fuertes, azufre, Ni (NO3) 2, madera y otros combustibles. (NTP, 1992) A temperatura elevada sufre una reacción violenta con aluminio o magnesio en polvo. Cuando se calienta hasta la descomposición emite humos muy tóxicos de óxidos de azufre
CuSO4 + 2 NaOH = Cu(OH)2 + Na2SO4
There are 5 steps:
1- measure the mass of the container
2- measure the volume of the liquid
3- measure the combined mass of the liquid and the container.
4-determine the mass of the liquid alone
5-divide the mass by the volume.
Clayey soil is rich in humus and very fertile, so it is suitable for growing cereals like wheat and gram. Such soil is good at retaining water.Clayey is known to be useful for crops. Because the particle size in this soil is very fine, it has the ability to retain more amounts of water. - This makes it easy for crops to access water as it is very essential for the growth of the plant. - Some of the crops need a high amount of water in order to grow.Clayey soil is made up of fine particles that are tightly packed and increases soil density and strength. It is rich in nutrient content in the form of organic matter or humus so, it is very fertile soil. It has excellent water retaining a capacity.