a 12 hour clock continues going up after 12 (1:00pm=13:00). minutes stay the same. 12:00pm=00:00. this shows 4:28am, so you count 4 after 00:00.
The frequency of the radio station is

For radio waves (which are electromagnetic waves), the relationship between frequency f and wavelength


where c is the speed of light. Substituting the frequency of the radio station, we find the wavelength:
A classic puzzle...
She either kicked it at a wall <em>exactly</em><em /> 10 foot in front of her, where the ball rebounded off the wall.
Or, she kicked the ball straight up, vertically, at a <em>90 degree angle,</em> where due to the law of gravity, which states that anything that goes up must come down, when the soccer ball reaches exactly 10 feet, it falls back down.
(Note: This is nearly impossible to achieve -- exactly 10 feet.)