6 gallons
At 30 mph, the fuel mileage is 25 mpg.
After 5 hours, the distance traveled is:
30 mi/hr × 5 hr = 150 mi
The amount of gas used is:
150 mi × (1 gal / 25 mi) = 6 gal
The Compton Shift
in wavelength when the photons are scattered is given by the following equation:
is a constant whose value is given by
, being
the Planck constant,
the mass of the electron and
the speed of light in vacuum.
the angle between incident phhoton and the scatered photon.
We are told the maximum Compton shift in wavelength occurs when a photon isscattered through
Now, let's find the angle that will produce a fourth of this maximum value found in (3):
If we want
must be equal to 1:
This is the scattering angle that will produce
In order to have a period that matches the Earth's rotation, a satellite must be in a circular orbit, and 42,164 km from the center of the Earth.
But that's not quite enough to make sure that it always stays over the same point on the Earth's surface (and appears motionless in the sky). For that to happen, the satellite's orbit has to be directly over the Equator.
The Moon has nothing to do with any of this.
Monsoon is a blah blah hahahahah adding for someone
Well, there aren't actually ANY that apply, because you haven't listed any. But I've lived a long time, and I remember hearing about electromagnetic waves and things that use them, so I can list a FEW of them for you:
-- radios
-- TVs
-- garage-door openers
-- TV remotes
-- cell phones
-- smart phones
-- GPS
-- walkie-talkies
-- car headlights
-- lava lamps
-- toasters
-- LEDs
-- light bulbs
-- fluorescent light tubes
-- police radios
-- Doppler weather radars
-- CB radios
-- ham radios
-- neon signs
-- eyeglasses
-- microscopes
-- telescopes
-- gas stoves
-- electric stoves
-- wood stoves
-- microwave ovens
-- tanning beds
-- cameras
-- lasers
-- CD recorders and players
-- DVD recorders and players
-- Bluray recorders and players
-- movie cameras
-- movie projectors
-- reading lamps
-- candles
-- whale-oil lamps
-- kerosene lanterns
-- flashlights
-- campfires
-- coffee percolators
-- heat lamps
-- cordless phones
These are just the ones I can think of right now off the top of my head. There are a lot of others.