B. Mining in the Guinean Forests of West Africa to provide diamond and gold jewelry for humans.
The situation (heat going through the ceiling) describes
conduction ... heat going from one place to another by
soaking through some material.
A). This is the one. Heat goes from from the marshmallow
to your hand by soaking through the wire. This is conduction too.
B). No. The heat in the room goes from the floor to the ceiling
because the warm air rises and carries it there. This is convection.
C). No. There's nothing for the heat to soak through between
the sun and the roof, and nothing that can move from the sun
to the roof and bring the heat with it. This is radiation.
D). No. Cold water sinks from the surface to the bottom because
warm water rose from the bottom to the surface, taking heat with it.
This is convection.
Nuclear fission formula by the looks of it. Possibly how Professor Lisa Meitner realised that she had split the atomic nucleus. The Xenon and the Strontium (Xe and Sr) would presumably show up in a radio chemical assaying test at her university.
A few years later, Professor J Robert Oppenheimer watched a nuclear test somewhere near Los Alamos, US and lamented "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds". Shortly thereafter, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were razed to the ground and annihilated by nuclear bombs. Professor Meitner, probably inadvertently, had got the keys to the doors to "nuclear hell", and JRO ended up turning them. Something like that maybe, and a very harrowing and tumultuous period in human history.
Note in the fission equation, that out come two neutrons. They go off and produce a similar fission in another U235 nucleus into a chain reaction which, i not moderated by, say, Boron, can end up as a "mushroom cloud".
Separation of the Earth into layers (crust, mantle, inner core, and outer core) was largely caused by gravitational differentiation (separating different constituents at temperature where materials are liquid or plastic, owing to differences in density) early in Earth's history.
hoped it helped!!