Where are the equations ..
Explanation: Volume versus Temperature: Raising the temperature of a gas increases the average kinetic energy and therefore the rms speed (and the average speed) of the gas molecules. Hence as the temperature increases, the molecules collide with the walls of their containers more frequently and with greater force.
A homogenous mixture is uniform and thus hard to recognize as a mixture. An example is water.
Answer: Elements in Group 2
Explanation: The periodic table was arranged by Dmitri Mendeleev specifically around similarites in their chemical behaviors. He found that as atomic number increases, at some point an element starts to react in a manner similar to a previous one. When that happened, he would place the larger element under the smaller one, and eventually noticed a periodicity in the table. Elements in a column (Groups) had similiar chemical properties. We know today that these similarities are due to the electron configuration, and that these configurations repeat themselves. He left gaps in the table when he could find an existing element with properties similar to others in that group. I big leap of faith, but it worked. Elements for those missing boxes were eventually discovered.
Answer: Chosen landforms are:
1) Hill
2) Mountain
3) Plateau
4) Valley
1) Hill is an elevated location smaller than a mountain. Location: Land
2) Mountain is a large mass of earth and rock, rising above the common level of the earth or adjacent land, usually given by geographers as above 1000 feet in height (or 304.8 metres).
Location: Land or Water
3) Plateau is a largely level expanse of land at a high elevation. It is also known as tableland.
Location: Land
4) Valley is an elongated depression between hills or mountains, often with a river flowing through it.
Location: Land or Water