The algorithm is as follows:
1. Declare Arr1 and Arr2
2. Get Input for Arr1 and Arr2
3. Initialize count to 0
4. For i in Arr2
4.1 For j in Arr1:
4.1.1 If i > j Then count = count + 1
4.2 End j loop
4.3 Print count
4.4 count = 0
4.5 End i loop
5. End
This declares both arrays
1. Declare Arr1 and Arr2
This gets input for both arrays
2. Get Input for Arr1 and Arr2
This initializes count to 0
3. Initialize count to 0
This iterates through Arr2
4. For i in Arr2
This iterates through Arr1 (An inner loop)
4.1 For j in Arr1:
This checks if current element is greater than current element in Arr1
4.1.1 If i > j Then
If yes, count is incremented by 1 count = count + 1
This ends the inner loop
4.2 End j loop
Print count and set count to 0
<em>4.3 Print count</em>
<em>4.4 count = 0</em>
End the outer loop
4.5 End i loop
End the algorithm
5. End