What is the element in which you are trying to find the number of molecules of?
Most similar ----- Lithium
Least similar ---- Nitrogen
Cesium is an element on the periodic with the atomic number 133. It lies in group 1 (i.e., the alkali metals) and period 6 on the periodic table. The oxidation state of group 1 metals is +1. Cesium forms an oxide with oxygen as
The most similar compound to this chemical compound is Lithium because Lithium happens to be in the same group one metal with Cesium and forms the compound
with the oxygen
The least similar compound nitrogen due to fact that it is an oxide that is covalent in nature and lies between-group 3 -17 to form an
with oxygen.

Ionic bond is a bond between metals and non-metals with strong forces of attraction between charged ions.
They do not have any sensing organs. They can't see, smell or move on their own. They rely on random motions from their host to move around.
Transfer of mass A into stagnant film B depends on the availability of driving force.
Whereas driving force is the pressure difference at the surface of A and the bulk.

Therefore, putting the given values into the above formula as follows.

= 0.132 
Thus, we can conclude that the flux of A from a surface into a mixture of A and B is 0.132