Use round wheels to roll the heap, help the weight by evacuating appended or contained protests, or place a smoother surface betwen the question and the floor. Water or different liquids can be utilized to diminish the protection, yet just on the off chance that they stay between the question and the floor.
Target Behavior would be the behavior known to be changed, it can be defined by function or topography
F = 0
The magnetic force is described by two expressions
for a moving charge
F = q v x B
for a wire with a current
F = I L xB
bold indicates vectors
let's write this equation in module form
F = I L B sin θ
where the angle is between the direction of the current and the direction of the magnetic field
In this case they indicate that the cable goes from the South wall to the North wall, so this is the direction of the current
The magnetic field of the Earth goes from the south to the north and in this part it is horizontal
Therefore the current and the magnetic field are parallel, the angle between them is zero
sin 0 = 0
consequently the magnetic force is zero
F = 0
The answer is c, but I'm not sure, just so you know