During an earthquake, seismic waves travels through the Earth's interior as body or p waves.
If neither of the bold words look familiar from your lesson feel free to ignore this answer
From you getting close to them
Because its big brain time.
The total resistance of a series circuit is equal to the sum of individual resistances. Voltage applied to a series circuit is equal to the sum of the individual voltage drops. The voltage drop across a resistor in a series circuit is directly proportional to the size of the resistor.
If you know the total current and the voltage across the whole circuit, you can find the total resistance using Ohm's Law: R = V / I. For example, a parallel circuit has a voltage of 9 volts and total current of 3 amps. The total resistance RT = 9 volts / 3 amps = 3 Ω
Current: The total circuit current is equal to the sum of the individual branch currents. Resistance: Individual resistances diminish to equal a smaller total resistance rather than add to make the total.
B.adding carpet and fabric wall covering to absorb sound
Gravity is the force that pulls you down.
(This is kind of a duh! question ... How do we know
which way is "down" ? We feel gravity, and we call
that the "down" direction.)
Magnetic force holds things to fridge doors.
Contact forces need to touch something in order to
exert their force.
Example: Gravity is NOT a contact force.
I don't know about "rubbing things away".
This might be a description of friction, but if so,
it's not a good one.
Buoyant force is what keeps floating things floating.
Air resistance slows things down when they move in air.