Kinetic and potential energy he has the ability to make a meal and because he is making the meal
The mechanical advantage of the screwdriver that is being described above is equal to 75N. This means that for every 30N that is applied on the screwdriver, this simple machine would in turn apply 75N of force to the lid of the can.
The resistance between A and B is 10 ohms.
Option (4)
There are two types of collision.
Perfectly elastic collision: the collision in which the momentum and kinetic energy is conserved. There is no loss of energy in other forms of energy.
Perfectly plastic collision: The collision in which the momentum is conserved and kinetic energy is not conserved. The two bodies stick after the collision.
Here, the bullet hits the block and then embedded in the block, it is the example of plastic collision.
vertical = 10sin60 - 10sin 30
horizontal =10cos60 + 10cos 30
v = 10×0.8660-10×0.5
h = 10×0.5 + 10 × 0.8660
v=8.660-5.0 = 3.66
h= 5.0-8.660 = -3.66