if there were no invention of machines then life would have been more difficult and simple works could be hard to do. Even now we are using our phones, sitting in a AC room interacting to eachother from different places. without the invention of machines simple things like transportation would have been difficult. There would be horses and donkey for the transportation. There would be no electricity,no internet, no transportation, not even c computers or mobile etc. The market for business will be smaller, the knowledge and news about world would be less.
so the problem would have been bigger than we can imagine. But one thing is that nature could survive lot more compared to what we have done till now by destroying nature.
Compounds are elements that are chemically combined, like water for example (it’s both hydrogen and oxygen.)
The first
Cause it will continue in motion till another force is applied
You have to get points to asked a question and then you can help people to get points and it you want to have friends send them inventions but it you don't have no points you can't asked quenstions
Noble gasses ( insert gases)