A) Emin = eV
B) Vo = (E_light - Φ) ÷ e
Energy of electron is the product of electron charge and the applied potential difference.
The energy of an electron in this electric field with potential difference V will be eV. Since this is the least energy that the electron must reach to break out, then the minimum energy required by this electron will be;
Emin = eV
The maximum stopping potential energy is eVo,
The energy of the electron due to the light is E_light.
If the minimum energy electron must posses is Φ, then the minimum energy electron must have to reach the detectors will be equal to the energy of the light minus the maximum stopping potential energy
Φ = E_light - eVo
eVo = E_light - Φ
Vo = (E_light - Φ) ÷ e
D. the wind picking up dust and carrying it
Erosion is a process in which an agent transfer the top soil to another region, thereby exposing the lower soil. These agents have the ability to move the top layer of soil and deposit it at another place. The major agents in this case are; a running or flowing body of water and wind.
Therefore, the change to the Earth's surface that is an example of erosion is the wind picking up dust and carrying it. Thereby exposing the lower layers.
At point A, the cart has high potential energy. At point b, the cart is pulled down by gravity. At point c, the cart gains its highest kinetic energy. At point d, the cart returns back to the same state but with lower potential energy.
It gets attracted
Materials that attracts magnet gets attracted to the magnet at both the North and South Pole. This can be compared to how neutral objects also gets attracted to the positively and negatively charged rod through the force of polarisation.
The first method to engage is to listen to where the sound of air in the inner Tor escaping originated and look to see if u can find it. You can then feel the escape air with your hand.
You can Put it inside a container of water and see the bubble and rotate the inner tube to pass all of it through the water