Most stars are rather simple things. They come in a variety of sizes and temperatures, but the great majority can be characterized by just two parameters: their mass and their age. (Chemical composition also has some effect, but not enough to change the overall picture of what we will be discussing here. All stars are about three-quarters hydrogen and one-quarter helium when they are born.)
The steam rotates a turbine that activates a generator, which produces electricity. Many power plants still use fossil fuels to boil water for steam. Geothermal power plants, however, use steam produced from reservoirs of hot water found a couple of miles or more below the Earth's surface.
swift to hear, slow to speak
<span>ρ≅13.0⋅g⋅m<span>L<span>−1</span></span></span> = <span>13.0⋅g⋅c<span>m<span>−3</span></span></span>
<span>Density=<span>MassPer unit Volume</span></span> = <span><span>75.0⋅g</span><span><span>(36.5−31.4)</span>⋅mL</span></span> <span>=??g⋅m<span>L<span>−1</span></span></span>
Note that <span>1⋅mL</span> = <span>1⋅c<span>m<span>−3</span></span></span>; these are equivalent units of volume;
i.e. <span>1⋅c<span>m3</span></span> = <span>1×<span><span>(<span>10<span>−2</span></span>⋅m)</span>3</span>=1×<span>10<span>−6</span></span>⋅<span>m3</span>=<span>10<span>−3</span></span>⋅L=1⋅mL</span>.