if engineering disappeared for a day i would be at a loss. i wouldnt know what to do with myself considering engineering is my life. one way that engineers improve my life is they help me to understand enything end everything
Answer: double click at the top of the page. Or you can also go to home file and click add heading.
To get rockets into orbit, they need much more thrust than the amount that will get them up to the required altitude. They also need sufficient thrust to allow them to travel with very high orbital speed. ... If speed is less than this, an object will fall back to the Earth
This is a very very difficult one for me, let me get back to you with the proper answer.
A vision statement describes what a company desires to achieve in the long-run, generally in a time frame of five to ten years, or sometimes even longer. It depicts a vision of what the company will look like in the future and sets a defined direction for the planning and execution of corporate-level strategies.
While companies should not be too ambitious in defining their long-term goals, it is critical to set a bigger and further target in a vision statement that communicates a company’s aspirations and motivates the audience. Below are the main elements of an effective vision statement:
-Motivating and inspirational
-Reflective of a company’s culture and core values
-Aimed at bringing benefits and improvements to the organization in the future
-Defines a company’s reason for existence and where it is heading