After a male ejaculates, many sperms move to the upper vagina (via contractions from the vagina) through the cervix and across the length of the uterus, reaching the fallopian tubes. Here they will meet the egg cell ready to be fertilized
A _commutator_ is used in a motor to switch the direction of the magnetic field created by the current.
The rotating part of a motor that holds the electromagnets is called the __armature___.
Electric current passes through the _brushes_ and into the electromagnets in an electric motor.
A motor turns _electrical_ energy into _mechanical_ energy.
A commutator, which is a split ring rotary switching device, reverses the direction of the current between the external circuit and the rotor. Reversing the current reverses the magnetic field.
The armature comprises the rotating part of the motor and the electromagnets
A brush is the electrical contact for conducting current through the moving and stationary parts of an electric motor
An electric motor turns electrical energy into mechanical energy.
(A) We can solve the problem by using Ohm's law, which states:

V is the potential difference across the electrical device
I is the current through the device
R is its resistance
For the heater coil in the problem, we know


, therefore we can rearrange Ohm's law to find the current through the device:

(B) The resistance of a conductive wire depends on three factors. In fact, it is given by:


is the resistivity of the material of the wire
L is the length of the wire
A is the cross-sectional area of the wire
Basically, we see that the longer the wire, the larger its resistance; and the larger the section of the wire, the smaller its resistance.
both caused by physical vibrations
A red apple absorbs all colors of visible light except red, so red light
is the only light left to bounce off of the apple toward our eyes.
(This is a big part of the reason that we call it a "red" apple.)
Here's how the various items on the list make out when they hit the apple:
<span>Red . . . . . reflected
Orange . . absorbed
Yellow . . . </span><span><span>absorbed
</span>Green . </span><span><span>. . absorbed
</span>Blue . . </span><span><span>. . absorbed
</span>Violet .</span><span> . . absorbed</span>
<span>Black . . . no light; not a color
White . . . has all colors in it</span>