Silicon is a metalloid element commonly found in Earth's crust. It helps form many different compounds, which have a variety of
different properties and applications. One type of silicon-containing minerals is asbestos. Asbestos is resistant to heat and electricity, leading to its widespread use in manufacturing and the construction industry. Asbestos insulates buildings and makes them fire resistant. However, despite its usefulness, exposure to asbestos fibers or dust carries serious health risks that can cause respiratory disease or cancer.
Another silicon-containing compound is orthosilicic acid. Unlike asbestos, orthosilicic acid seems to benefit human health. This compound readily dissolves in water and is biologically stable enough to be used in the human body. Scientists have found evidence that orthosilicic acid plays an active role in the maintenance of strong bones.
The information above shows that silicon has both beneficial and detrimental effects on the human body. Given this information, think about other examples of materials or substances that can be both beneficial and detrimental at the same time. Research and write about two examples. Be sure to provide evidence to support your point of view.