Infinity = Never ending
The universe could be infinite, both in terms of space and time, but there is currently no way to test whether it goes on forever or is just very big. The part of the universe we are able to observe is finite, measuring about 46 billion light years in diameter.
The set of natural numbers is an infinite set. This kind of infinity is, by definition, called countable infinity. All sets that can be put into a bijective relation to the natural numbers are said to have this kind of infinity. This is also expressed by saying that the cardinal number of the set is aleph-naught (ℵ0).
Hope this helps. Mark as brainliest!
In wheel and axle. …with the system is the velocity ratio, or the ratio of the velocity (VF) with which the operator pulls the rope at F to the velocity at which the weight W is raised (VW). This ratio is equal to twice the radius of the large drum divided by the difference…
The gravitional potential energy, relative to the bottom of the giant drop, in joules, is (9800) times (the height of the drop in meters).
That's the PE of the empty car only, not counting any hapless screaming souls who may be trapped in it at that moment.