Answer: Strictly a laboratory analysis and can only be done using the data obtained during analysis
To find a solution to this problem, you need to use the data collected during the lab work. A guide could be finding the possible forms of hydrated copper chlorides in reference books. Since it's also a lab work, you can definitely compare your data with lab mates.
The formula CuxCly.zH₂O and its name chloride hydrate already gives you an idea of the possibilities of the value of the integers, hence you can take a good guess for the identity of the unknown salt and calculate the theoretical formular weight for it. From the that you can proceed to also find the mass of water and copper from your lab analysis.
Question 1: A material that causes a wave to bounce off it is called the. Answer : Reflection
Question 2: A material that takes in a wave when the wave hits is called the. Answer: Absorber
Option C. the sharing of electrons between atoms
Covalent bond is a type of bond in which the reacting element share their valence electrons in order to attain the noble gas configuration.
Because when you move the decimal point once, it it equal to 10 and to convert in the metric system, you must multiply or divide by 10. For example, when converting 4 centimeters to millimeters, you can multiply by 10 to get 40 millimeters or you can move the decimal point to the right and add another 0 to get 40.
Solar power take less energy compare to other and its charge by sun According to me solar energy is best way to save energy in future