I would agree with the statement. it's not just the body, but everything that we see is almost 99.9999% empty space
it is a light receptor that generates nerve signals that are sent to the brain
the lens are like the glasses, this means that is used to see things better. You just put them in your eye and that's all it's not connected to the brain
Underhand serve is a type of volleyball serve in which a player holds the ball with one hand and swings the other hand in an arc motion, striking under the ball with a fist to put it into play. An underhand serve is the most common serve for beginners.
<h2>Hey There!</h2><h2>_____________________________________</h2><h2>Question 7:
The graph of
• The I-V for Ohmic Metal wire conductor at constant temperature always shows a straight line between the Current(I) plotted at Y axis and Voltage(V) plotted at X axis. Picture 1
• The I-V graph for Diode shows that first the current is zero but as we increase the potential difference(voltage), it results in the increase in the current. Picture 2
</h2><h2>Question 8:
A diode is a device that allows current to flow in only one direction.
Forward Bias, When a diode is forward bias (a voltage in the "forward" direction) then the P-side of the diode is attached to the positive terminal and N-side is fixed to the negative side of the battery which is connected, current flows freely through the device. The forward bias decreases the thickness of potential barrier(The potential barrier barrier in which the charge requires additional force for crossing the region)
Reverse Bias, When a diode is Reverse bias(a voltage in the "backward direction) then the P-side of the diode is connected to the negative terminal and N-side is connected to the positive terminal of the battery which is connected. The reverse bias increases the thickness of the potential barrier resulting in the flow of no current.
The Forward bias decreases the resistance of the diode whereas the reversed bias increases the resistance of the diode. As in forward biasing the current is easily flowing through the circuit whereas reverse bias does not allow the current to flow through it.
</h2><h2>Best Regards,