I think it helps you
I don't know the answer sorry
.globl my_mul
//Multiply X0 and X1
// Does not handle negative X1!
// Note : This is an in efficient way to multipy!
SUB SP, SP, 16 //make room for X19 on the stack
STUR X19, [SP, 0] //push X19
ADD X19, X1, XZR //set X19 equal to X1
ADD X9 , XZR , XZR //set X9 to 0
CBZ X19, mult_eol
ADD X9, X9, X0
SUB X19, X19, 1
B mult_loop
LDUR X19, [SP, 0]
ADD X0, X9, XZR // Move X9 to X0 to return
ADD SP, SP, 16 // reset the stack
BR X30
The absolute zero in temperature refers to the minimal possible temperature. It is the temperature at which the molecules of a system stop moving, so it is a really useful reference point.
<h3>Why absolute zero can't be reached?</h3>
It would mean that we need to remove all the energy from a system, but to do this we need to interact with the system in some way, and by interacting with it we give it "some" energy.
Actually, from a quantum mechanical point of view, the absolute zero has a residual energy (so it is not actually zero) and it is called the "zero point". This happens because it must meet <u>Heisenberg's uncertainty principle</u>.
So yes, the absolute zero can't be reached, but there are really good approximations (At the moment there is a difference of about 150 nanokelvins between the absolute zero and the smallest temperature reached). Also, there are a lot of investigations near the absolute zero, like people that try to reach it or people that just need to work with really low temperatures, like in type I superconductors.
So, concluding, why does the concept exist?
- Because it is a reference point.
- It is the theoretical temperature at which the molecules stop moving, defining this as the <u>minimum possible temperature.</u>
If you want to learn more about the absolute zero, you can read:
According to EonCoat, corrosion is the process of decay on a material caused by a chemical reaction with its environment. Corrosion of metal occurs when an exposed surface comes in contact with a gas or liquid, and the process is accelerated by exposure to warm temperature, acids, and salts.” (1)
Although the word ‘corrosion’ is used to describe the decay of metals, all natural and man-made materials are subject to decay, and the level of pollutants in the air can speed up this process.
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