Destruction of rocks at convergent boundaries
Duuuuuuuuude. Dude.
Let's think for a sec, because this confused me.
Acid rain is chemical weathering. It has acid in it, so it weathers rocks. (Ewwww.)
Frost wedging is a major duh, because frost can weather rocks.
Oxidation reactions are a yes yes because it becomes oxidized.
The respiratory system is the network of organs and tissues that help you breathe. basically your airways, lungs, and blood vessels so you quite literally need these to survive I mean your muscles need oxygen to function and your brain needs oxygen to function so without your respiratory system you wouldn't be able to move much and you would quickly pass out and die from the lack of oxygen to your brain there are other body processes that need oxygen as well but these are just two examples.
The part of the carbon cycle where humans had the greatest impact is the return of CO₂ to the atmosphere by burning of ancient organic matter.
The ancient organic matter is also called Fossil Fuels. Some Fossil Fuels are Petroleum and Coal. Fossil Fuels are used to power our society and are burned to provide energy for power plants and vehicles, and by burning them, Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) is produced, increasing the natural concentration of this compound in the atmosphere.
Have a nice day!