The Aufbau Principle
In the ground state of an atom or ion, electrons fill atomic orbitals of the lowest available energy level before occupying higher-energy levels.
The balanced chemcial equation is B. So to do single, we need to look at where would Li stand on the metals chart (For my class we have a chart to see which element is the highest on the metals chart) . So since Li is higher, F needs to go with Li, leaving Ba alone.
I hope this helps you!
Because it will not cause much harm to the environment.
I hope it's right (best of luck).
The correct answer really is B.
If you are directed to break that rule then you better be in a high level chemistry class. When I taught things like that I insisted that students just wait until the chemical permeated the fume cabinet and even then I was always very nervous.
Sometimes you have to know when to ignore a bad direction. If you are working with chlorine, for example, you should be especially careful. That stuff was used in WWI as part of a chemical warfare technique. Many men suffered grotesque deaths by breathing it in, particularly if they were in trenches. Chlorine is heavier than air. It sinks to the lowest level.