Remote?? maybe I’m not really sure
a) Cr = Co - Fx / D
b) ΔC / Δx = ( CR - Cr ) / ( xR - xRo )
A) Derive an expression for the profile c(r) inside the tissue
F = DΔC / X = D ( Co - Cr ) / X ------ 1
where : F = flux , D = drug diffusion coefficient
X = radial distance between Ro and R
Hence : Cr = Co - Fx / D
B) Express the diffusive flux at outer surface of the balloon
Diffusive flux at outer surface = ΔC / Δx = CR - Cr / xR - xRo
Steam at outlet is an superheated steam, since . From steam tables, the specific enthalpy is:
The throttle valve is modelled after the First Law of Thermodynamics:
Hence, specific enthalpy at inlet is:
The quality in the steam line is:
Answer for the question:
Use the Hurricanes data and via Multiple regression select the three input variables: Min-pressure, Gender, Category in order to predict the All-Deaths. Pick one of the three variables that has the best P-value and re-do the regression using ONLY this one variable to predict the All-deaths. Answer the questions. (Numerical answers are rounded so choose the answer that matches the best).
is explained in the attachment.
The correct option is;
B) Counterproductive
An effective requires adequate preparations, with agenda of the meeting circulated among participants. The items to be discussed should be known before hand by the participants all of whom will have had adequate background information and relevant consultations with their constituencies so as to be able to add effectively to the meeting.
Other attributes of an effective meeting includes;
1. Ensure, notes of the meeting are taken down personally
2. Outside discussions should be made at the parking lot
3. Important decisions or points to be made should have been communicated to other members of the meeting
4. Members to attend the meeting should be well known and list of attendees reviewed
5. Meetings should be kept to schedule
6. Ensure meeting conclusions and decisions are followed up
7. Written agenda should be available
Therefore "winging it" with minimal planning is considered counterproductive.