For each of the following forms determine whether the following limit type is indeterminate, always has a fixed finite value, or
never has a fixed finite value. In the first case answer IND, in the second case enter the numerical value, and in the third case answer DNE.
For example:
IND: 0/0
0: 0/1
DNE: 1/0
Note that Hospital's rule (in some form) may ONLY be applied to indeterminate forms.
1. 1/-[infinity]
2. 0 - [infinity]
3. 0[infinity]
4. [infinity][infinity]
5. 0−[infinity]
6. [infinity]−[infinity]
7. [infinity]−e
8. 1[infinity]
9. π−[infinity]
10. π[infinity]
11. 1 −[infinity]
12. [infinity]1
13. [infinity]−[infinity]
14. 0/[infinity]
15. [infinity]0
16. 00
17. 10
18. 1 - [infinity]
19. [infinity]/0
20. inf - inf