He made great advancements in developing a logical way to know more about the universe and celestial entities inside the space. And this theory is termed to be heliocentric in nature.
- In early times most of the people believed that our planet Earth is the center of the universe or the solar system and rest of the celestial entities move around it in a given path, so, it confused the well known scientist named as Galileo Galilei. As, he observed the different dark patches or shadow like textures on the face of the Sun.
- While, it is more obvious to known that any object having multiple small shadows means that it is present inside such a region that all of the celestial entities move or orbit around it in a given way.So, he concluded that planet Earth itself move around the red Giant in a given way rather then being the center of the universe.
(c) The two cuts that are being roasted for each time-temperature combination are an example of replication.
In the question it is given that From 10 identical cuts of lamb, 2 are randomly selected to roast using each of the time-temperature combinations in the same oven. Here it is an act of copying the exact sahpe size of the lamb in all cuts, which is nothing but replication. Moreover, this replication can help in proper comparision.
5 is the tripoid stand
Thanks have a bangtastic day
Using the equation E = hc/λ we can find out how much energy a single photon of wavelength 193 nm has. E = Planck Constant * Speed of Light/193 nm
friction needs two objects
the two objects need to touch each other
the two objects need to either have relative movement or, tend to have relative movement urge. (kinetic friction or static friction)