Weight = (mass) x (gravity)
If you plan to sell these things on Earth, then the acceleration of gravity in the neighborhood of your drive-throughs will be 9.81 m/s².
Weight of each sandwich = (0.1 kg) x (9.81 m/s²).
Weight of each sandwich = 0.981 Newton.
This is only 1.9% less than 1 even Newton.
You should start by setting up one restaurant in New York, one in Chicago, one in LA, and maybe one in Miami or Tulsa. Sell it with a different name in each place, and see which name sells best.
You might want to try calling it
-- Isaac's burger
-- Gravity grub
-- Prism Patty
-- Mass 'o Meat
-- Unit-wich
and see if anything catches on.
I think I'd simply call it a "Newton Unit".
go to : www.planetresourses.com/test2.00/answers, ant type in that test name
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