This isn't a good question but I guess!
turgor pressure can be done in a lab or a self test.
turgor pressure is key to the plant’s vital processes. It makes the plant cell stiff and rigid. Without it, the plant cell becomes flaccid. Prolonged flaccidity could lead to the wilting of plants.
Turgor pressure is also important in stomate formation. The turgid guard cells create an opening for gas exchange. Carbon dioxide could enter and be used for photosynthesis. Other functions are apical growth, nastic movement, and seed dispersal.
- salt is bad for turgor pressure.
- Turgidity helps the plant to stay upright. If the cell loses turgor pressure, the cell becomes flaccid resulting in the wilting of the plant.
- The wilted plant on the left has lost its turgor as opposed to the plant on the right that has turgid cells.
The atoms of the reactant rearrange to form new products.
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