Conversion factors are useful in solving problems in which a given measurement must be expressed in some other units of measure.
Conversion factors are helpful in solving issues where one unit of measurement needs to be expressed in another. In general, a measurement's numerical value changes when it is multiplied by a conversion factor, while the quantity being measured's real size stays the same.
A conversion factor is a number that is used to multiply or divide one set of units into another. If a conversion is required, it must be done using the correct conversion factor to get an identical value. For instance, 12 inches equals one foot when converting between inches and feet.
To learn more about Conversion factors please visit
0.35 milli moles of ethanol can be theoretically be produced under these conditions.
![C_6H_{12}O_6 + 2 ADP + 2 Pi\rightarrow 2 C_2H_5OH + 2 ATP + 2 CO_2](
Moles of glucose =
milli mole
Moles of ADP = 0.35 milli mole
Moles of Pi = 0.35 milli mole
Moles of ATP = 0.70 milli mole
As we can see that ADP and Pi are in limiting amount which means tat they are limiting reagent. So, the moles of ethanol produced will depend upon the moles of ADP and Pi.
According to reaction, 2 moles of ADP gives 2 moles of glucose.
Then 0.35 milli moles of ADp will give :
of ethanol
0.35 milli moles of ethanol can be theoretically be produced under these conditions.
Cells have limitations, if the cell is stronger it targets other cells , when a cell is weak it possibly mean it’s disease.
Well i believe it is Iron (II) nitrate
B) The pH of a buffer solution does not change significantly when a small amount of acid is added.
C) The pH of a buffer solution is determined by the ratio of the concentration of acid to the concentration of base.
Buffer solution is useful in maintaining the pH of a solution constant . It is made of a weak acid and its salt or a weak base and its salt . Ph of a buffer is given by the following relation .
pH = pKa + log [ A⁻ ] / [ HA ]
A- is a base and HA is a weak acid .
When we add acid , it reacts with A⁻ or base and gets neutralised .
When we add base , it reacts with acid HA and gets neutralised . In this way it maintains the pH of the solution .