The product is significantly impure
In order to test for the purity of a specific sample that was synthesized, the melting point of a compound is measured. Basically speaking, the melting point identifies how pure a compound is. There are several cases that are worth noting:
- if the measured melting point is significantly lower than theoretical, e. g., lower by 3 or more degrees, we conclude that our compound contains a substantial amount of impurities;
- wide range in the melting point indicates impurities, unless it agrees with the theoretical range.
Since our compound is even 10 degrees Celsius lower than expected, it indicates that the compound is significantly impure.
The most abundant isotope is Gz-83 because the average atomic mass of Gz is closer to 83.
The average atomic mass is defined as the weigthed mean of the isotopes.
The mass of the isotopes is 80, 81 and 83 uma, respectively.
As the average atomic mass (82.74uma) is closer to the atomic mass of Gz-83 than the mass of the other isotopes, you can interpretate that the most abundant isotope is Gz-83.
Learn more about average atomic mass in:
The volume of a prism is base times height so it should be 5.6 times 2.1 times 6.6 which gives us 77.616cm^3
Is there any other part to this question? If not I'm pretty sure the answer is 205.5 kJ
The correct answer is A, B and C