Answer - La cristalización ye un procesu químicu pol cual a partir d'un gas, un líquidu o una disolución, los iones, átomos o molécules establecen enllaces hasta formar una rede cristalina, la unidá básica d'un cristal. La cristalización emplegar con bastante frecuencia en química para purificar una sustancia sólida.
Part 1: It would be a straight line, current will be directly proportional to the voltage.
Part 2: The current would taper off and will have negligible increase after the voltage reaches a certain value. Graph attached.
For the first part, voltage and current have a linear relationship as dictated by the Ohm's law.
where V is the voltage, I is the current, and R is the resistance. As the Voltage increase, current is bound to increase too, given that the resistance remains constant.
In the second part, resistance is not constant. As an element heats up, it consumes more current because the free sea of electrons inside are moving more rapidly, disrupting the flow of charge. So, as the voltage increase, the current does increase, but so does the resistance. Leaving less room for the current to increase. This rise in temperature is shown in the graph attached, as current tapers.
Engineering Controls. The best engineering controls to prevent heat-related illness is to make the work environment cooler and to reduce manual workload with mechanization. A variety of engineering controls can reduce workers' exposure to heat: Air conditioning, Increased general ventilation
, Cooling fans
, Local exhaust ventilation at points of high heat production or moisture, Reflective shields to redirect radiant heat
, Insulation of hot surfaces Elimination of steam leaks
, Cooled seats or benches for rest breaks
, Use of mechanical equipment to reduce manual work, Misting fans that produce a spray of fine water droplets.
Hope this helped you!
your answer is correct
You have the correct mapping from inputs to outputs. The only thing your teacher may disagree with is the ordering of your inputs. They might be written more conventionally as ...
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
That is, your teacher may be looking for the pattern 1001 in the last column without paying attention to what you have written in column B.