Aluminum metal
In order to properly answer this or a similar question, we need to know some basic rules about galvanic cells and standard reduction potentials.
First of all, your strategy would be to find a trusted source or the table of standard reduction potentials. You would then need to find the half-equations for aluminum and gold reduction:

Since we have a galvanic cell, the overall reaction is spontaneous. A spontaneous reaction indicates that the overall cell potential should be positive.
Since one half-equation should be an oxidation reaction (oxidation is loss of electrons) and one should be a reduction reaction (reduction is gain of electrons), one of these should be reversed.
Thinking simply, if the overall cell potential would be obtained by adding the two potentials, in order to acquite a positive number in the sum of potentials, we may only reverse the half-equation of aluminum (this would change the sign of E to positive):
Notice that the overall cell potential upon summing is:

Meaning we obey the law of galvanic cells.
Since oxidation is loss of electrons, notice that the loss of electrons takes place in the half-equation of aluminum: solid aluminum electrode loses 3 electrons to become aluminum cation.
The correct statements that you must check are:
- The oxygen atom has a greater attraction for electrons than the hydrogen atom does (second statement).
- The electrons of the covalent bond are not shared equally between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms (fourth statement).
Electronegativity is the relative ability of an atom to pull the electrons in a covalent bond.
Hydrogen has an electronegativity of 2.20 and oxygen has 3.44. That means that oxygen attracts the electrons more strongly than hydrogen does (second statement).
As consequence, the electrons in the covalent bond H - O of water are not shared equally (fourth statement): the electron density will be higher around the O atoms.
Of course, this discards the statement telling that hydrogen atom attracts electrons much more strongly than the oxygen atom, and the statement telling that hydrogen and oxigen have same electronegativity.
Such difference in electron densities creates a dipole moment, so you discard the last statement (that the water dipole moment is equal to zero).
Arrhenius has pointed out that the coefficient of affinity of an acid is proportional to its electrolytic ionization.
For young organic materials, the carbon-14 (radiocarbon) method is used. The effective dating range of the carbon-14 method is between 100 and 50,000 years.
The answer is the explanation.
Answer: the aspirin also contains a buffering agent—usually MgO—that regulates the acidity of the aspirin to minimize its acidic side effects.