look at the graph
We know that as temperature increases, solubility increases.So, when there is a rise in temperature, as more solute become dissolved, the saturation point will be lifted and more amount of solute will be needed to reach saturation.
Here, when the temperature was 20oC, 38 g of salt was needed for saturation. As the temperature is increased by 15oC, at 35oC more amount of salt was needed to reach saturation(45g). So a 15oC rise in temperature caused a 7 g rise in the amount of salt needed for saturation. So, if temperature is increased additionally through 10oC, an approximate 4.5 g of salt will be needed more to reach the saturation. That is at 45oC, the amount of salt at saturation will be approximately 49.5 g.
So, the temperature and solubility as well as temperature and amount of salt at saturation are linearly related(directly proportional)
False. Chemical products are on the right side.
The decay mode of cesium-137 is beta decay. This means that the cesium-137 decays into a beta particle and a nuclide with the same mass number, but with a charge number that is 1 more than that of cesium.
Therefore, this means Cs-137 decays into an electron and Barium-137, meaning the answer is choice 1.