Energy that comes from the heat of the Earth's core is known as geothermal energy.
Solar energy comes from the Sun, hydro energy from water, and wave energy from wind and waves.
C. Soil
The choice with variable composition is the soil. Soil have many different composition.
- Soil is made up of minerals, organic matter , water and soil air.
- Soil minerals are derived from weathered bedrock materials that have been broken down into small pieces.
- Organic matter is derived from dead and decaying materials from plants and animals.
- All these materials combine together to form a soil.
1) all matter is made up of atoms and molecules 2) these tiny particles are always in motion; the higher the temp. the faster they move 3) at the same temp., heavier particles move more slowly then small particles
Na react with H2O to form NAOH
2 Na+2H2O....................2NAOH + H2
Ca react with water and form calcium hydroxide
Ca + 2H2O........................Ca(OH)2
Mg react with water and form Magnesium hydroxide
Mg +2H2O .........................Mg(OH)2 however this coating of mg(oh)2 prevent it from further reaction
Fe react with water and form ferric hydride
3Fe +H2O.......................2 FeH +FeO
copper do not react with water
Techniques and Tests
Qualitative analysis typically measures changes in color, melting point, odor, reactivity, radioactivity, boiling point, bubble production, and precipitation.