A benchmark
Most times a benchmark serves as the better measure when assessing a computer's performance, this is because CPU speeds can only evaluate an aspect of a computer's performance whereas a benchmark offers the advantage of measuring all the aspects of a computer's performance for a specific type of computing problem.
a) the power consumption of the LEDs is 0.25 watt
b) the LEDs drew 0.0555 Amp current
Given the data in the question;
Three AAA Batteries;
<---- 1000mAh [ + -] 1.5 v ------1000mAh [ + -] 1.5 v --------1000mAh [ + -] 1.5 v------
so V_total = 3 × 1.5 = 4.5V
a) the power consumption of the LEDs
I_battery = 1000 mAh / 18hrs { for 18 hrs}
I_battery = 1/18 Amp { delivery by battery}
so consumption by led = I × V_total
we substitute
⇒ 1/18 × 4.5
P = 0.25 watt
Therefore the power consumption of the LEDs is 0.25 watt
b) How much current do the LEDs draw
I_Draw = I_battery = 1/18 Amp = 0.0555 Amp
Therefore the LEDs drew 0.0555 Amp current
2.46 * 10⁵ W/m³
See attached pictures for detailed explanation.
A. S0 = 1, S1 = 0, S2 = 0
lines need to send data for the fifth bit in an 8 bit system