The energy carried by one photon is directly proportional to its
frequency. So the photon energy is greatest for the electromagnetic
waves with the highest frequency / shortest wavelengths.
That's why when you get past visible light and on up through ultraviolet,
X-rays, and gamma rays, the radiation becomes dangerous ==> each
photon carries enough energy to tear electrons away from their atoms,
ripping molecules apart and damaging cells.
The photon with the highest energy is a gamma-ray photon.
Acceleration is any change in speed or direction of motion.
The dimension of speed is [length/time],
so a change is [length/time²].
Popular units include [meter/second²] and [feet/second²] .
Direction almost always boils down to an angle, (which technically
has no dimensions), so a change in direction is [angle/time] .
Popular units include [radian/second] and [degree/second] .
R = U : I. U is in Voltage and I is in Ampère. That gives you R = 36 : 8 = 4,5 Ohm
Your answer here is D
Slowly pressing your breaks will help ensure you are not hit by the other car. If they hit you its their fault. Hope this helps :)!